Emotional Economy by Dan G.


When someone dumps their toxic feelings on us- explodes in anger or threats, shows disgust or contempt-they activate in us circuitry for those very same distressing emotions. Their act has potent neurological consequences, emotions are contagious. We catch strong emotions much as we do a rhinovirus-and so can come down with the emotional equivalent of cold. The speed differential between these two systems- the instant emotional one is several times faster in brain time than the more rational one-allows us to make snap decisions that we might later regret or need to justify. By the time the low road has reacted, sometimes all the high road can do is make the best of things. As the science fiction writer Robert Heinlein wryly wrote- Man is not a rational animal, but a rationalising one.

About my2twobits

I am a 40+ male PR executive from India. I have deliberately kept my identity hidden so that I can freely, frankly open my heart and share my feelings about people I know from work and outside. Hope you enjoy the resulting emotional free-flow in my posts. I do fear and dread the day when my identity is disclosed and I may be forced to totally delete this blog, unless of course a publisher comes with an interesting offer ;)

2 responses »

  1. Yes! Remove toxic people from your life – with all their drama, I call them “emotional vampires.” Your Self has an obligation to keep healthy in order to achieve your purpose.

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